Wednesday, July 16, 2008

(DON'T) Save Tiger Stadium!

I have a hard time getting excited about the protracted efforts to save Tiger Stadium. Even as the wrecking ball swings, small factions are struggling to raise money to save portions of the Tigers' former home. Which portions? The upper deck women's restroom? The 38th row in the bleacher section? Detroit needs to move forward, not hang on to an empty relic of the past. (Boy, does that statement have implications far beyond Tiger Stadium!)

It's not that I don't have fond memories of the old ballpark. Growing up on the west side of Detroit, I enjoyed many a Saturday afternoon and summer night there. It was close to home and inexpensive, especially with bleacher tickets or obstructed view seats. My first date with with my husband, Eric, was also at Tiger Stadium. Despite 21 years of wedded bliss, that doesn't seem like a good reason to keep the ballpark alive, though.

I also have wonderful memories of grocery shopping with my mom at Great Scott at Michigan and Schaefer in Dearborn, but there was no hue and cry when that closed. The small Catholic high school I attended is also closed. How dare they? The Whole Foods near my house is relocating to a larger location. They can't do that! I used to be able to walk there to get my fill of Vegan-friendly fare. Okay, so I hardly ever went there, but so what? Many of my favorite professors at Wayne State have now retired. That shouldn't be allowed, because they were my teachers once I and I liked knowing they were still there. Okay, you get the picture. Life moves on, with or without us. The future is far too exciting to dwell on the past, especially when fond memories will suffice.


Detroit is not a city that moves on well. Fox 2's Fanchon Stinger is this week's personal case in point. I eagerly read her response to reports of her involvement in the Synagro sludge debacle. My first thought after reading her statement was neither an impression of innocence or guilt; rather, it was whether she used Roget's Thesaurus to amass the number of superlatives used to describe her outrage at reports that she was involved with Synagro. Here's a sample: "scandalous allegations", "blatant misrepresentations", "tawdry allegations", "excruciatingly difficult", "systemic, strategic and malicious dismantling of my reputation..." Whew! I was emotionally exhausted just reading it. Of course my second thought was of innocence or guilt. Thou thinks she doth protesteth too much? (I'm probably not quoting that exactly, but because my WSU Shakespeare professor is likely retired too, it doesn't matter.)