Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In Praise of Collegial Relationships

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”  

I find this sentiment particularly applicable in today’s business environment.  More than ever, it’s almost impossible to achieve success without some sort of strategic alliance, informal partnership or strong network of colleagues and referral sources. 

I am fortunate to have that type of relationship with Jason Brown, Principal of PublicCity PR.  On the surface, one might consider us competitors; however, our business rapport is much more collegial than that.  I first met Jason around 2008 when he was a new solo PR entrepreneur and our respective clients asked us to collaborate on a project. Since then, the beauty of our association is not only the ability to share information and bounce ideas off one another, but also refer potential clients and media sources and opportunities.  Never underestimate the power of collaboration.

I recently witnessed firsthand the evolution of Jason’s company from a one-person operation to a growing PR phenom when celebrating the milestone of his new Southfield office digs. I’m always up for a celebration and isn’t that one of the best parts of collaboration…celebrating the triumphs?  

Congratulations and much continued business success, Jason!  

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